Saturday, December 10, 2011


I have, of late, been working on knowing what I need to know to not get myself into another destructive relationship.

Last Saturday night I was mall shopping and of course topped off my trip with some luxury time in Barnes and Noble. I found this fantastic book called "Why Does He Do That" by Lunford Bancroft. It is a book meant to help abuses understand the mind of the abuser.

I picked up the book hoping to learn the early warning signs of an abuser personality and I have also gained major insight into so many other facets. It has made it a lot easier to cope with the current abusers still in my life and hopefully will potential help me minimize my exposure to them.

Tonight was the Live Nativity at the Joy to the World event.  This was another chance for me to interact with the people in our stake.  It also meant that I was able to see many of my favorite people from the Riverside Ward. 

I actually left early for the event so that I could take the tour and really get into the spirit of the message before working with the children.  I accomplished my goal and so much more.  Sitting there listening to music and realizing that I was surrounded by families was actually very hard.  Much harder then I ever thought that it would be. 

I also was able to visit with individuals who expressed their love for me and told me that they missed me.  I cannot even express in words how hard it was to leave my ward family.  It still hurts so much.  I love me new ward, but walking out on my old heartbreaking.

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