I have reached a new stage of grief in regards to the end of my marriage. I am now in the stage of anger.
I have gone through this stage before with other losses, but this is definitely the most intensely angry I have ever been. I find myself getting angry about everything. Not just mad, ANGRY!
All I can say at this point is that I really hope that this stage passes quickly.
In the past I would participate in an activity or spend time with others that help me to be happy. However this time, that is not proving sufficient. I just cannot seem to get past it and I think part of the problem is that I don't want to get past it. Part of me kinda likes being angry, because it knocks out my normal censors. This of course has its pluses and its minuses. It is nice being uncensored with Keith and giving him the full weight of my anger, though it is not very nice of me. But on the other hand, I am so done with being nice.
I am really hoping that this weekend will help to push me through this stage.
Congratulations! That anger is a huge step up from depression. It may not be your ideal emotion, but it's necessary to get to better ones. So proud of you! Keep up the good work.